The end to another good weekend
This was a weekend only in a technical sense, since I rarely get days off. Started off with an excellent Thursday, which I believe I've already posted about, A Friday to relax the work. this is going to be a good paycheck since I've already worked 25 hours and it's only been three days since my work week has begun. I'm starting to think I really need to cut down on my working these days. I'm probably work 60+ hours a week at my two jobs. So i think I may quit one, or just not work nearly as much, cause all work and no play makes Olives a dull boy. Though there was play on Saturday which helps. The money is really nice but I can't even figure out what to do with it all besides just save it. And I have all life to save so why should I be working my ass off right now. It's a weird fighting going on in my mind. One side says keep both jobs as they are cause you've got nothing better to do most of the time, and the other just says to relax. Not sure which one is right in this sense. Anyways back to the weekend, Saturday was friggin awesome, put me in an even better mood for the rest of this weekend, and today I spent most day with Lewis being regaled about his Japan trip, and then we hung out with Chris and Rick. AND I must tip off my hat, or touque cause thats what I wear, to Rick. He is the only person I know of that has finished the dairy challenge. It was a sight to see, though quite disgusting. (I have a picture with Rick next to the giant pile of puke). Though the goal isn't to throw up, the dairy challenge is this: 4 litres of 2 % Milk in 45 minutes. It's much harder then it seems. Also you only need to have the milk go down once. It doesn't need to stay down, so thats why Rick has completed it. Lewis tried it too but only got 3 litres through before he gave up. Though now Chris and I will be obligated to attempt it. I'm going to feel sick afterwards but it will be done. I'm off to bed now, so that will be all.