From the Pit of an Olive

The newly found Journals of a crazy. Not the kind of crazy that has under gone a mind over matter conversion, but the kind thats just crazy.

Monday, May 29, 2006

The end to another good weekend

This was a weekend only in a technical sense, since I rarely get days off. Started off with an excellent Thursday, which I believe I've already posted about, A Friday to relax the work. this is going to be a good paycheck since I've already worked 25 hours and it's only been three days since my work week has begun. I'm starting to think I really need to cut down on my working these days. I'm probably work 60+ hours a week at my two jobs. So i think I may quit one, or just not work nearly as much, cause all work and no play makes Olives a dull boy. Though there was play on Saturday which helps. The money is really nice but I can't even figure out what to do with it all besides just save it. And I have all life to save so why should I be working my ass off right now. It's a weird fighting going on in my mind. One side says keep both jobs as they are cause you've got nothing better to do most of the time, and the other just says to relax. Not sure which one is right in this sense. Anyways back to the weekend, Saturday was friggin awesome, put me in an even better mood for the rest of this weekend, and today I spent most day with Lewis being regaled about his Japan trip, and then we hung out with Chris and Rick. AND I must tip off my hat, or touque cause thats what I wear, to Rick. He is the only person I know of that has finished the dairy challenge. It was a sight to see, though quite disgusting. (I have a picture with Rick next to the giant pile of puke). Though the goal isn't to throw up, the dairy challenge is this: 4 litres of 2 % Milk in 45 minutes. It's much harder then it seems. Also you only need to have the milk go down once. It doesn't need to stay down, so thats why Rick has completed it. Lewis tried it too but only got 3 litres through before he gave up. Though now Chris and I will be obligated to attempt it. I'm going to feel sick afterwards but it will be done. I'm off to bed now, so that will be all.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Another Survery

Just when I think I've got through all the silly surveys another comes along, well Gauntlet thrown, Gauntlet picked up and now I'm ready to bludgen you over the head with the gauntlet. LETS KICK THIS PIG!

Two Names You Go By:
1. Kyle.
2. Olives

Two Parts of Your Heritage:
1. Portugese
2. Chinese

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. the awesomest belt ever
2. An unbuttoned shirt

Two Things You Would Want in a Relationship:
1. Trust
2. FUN (Anything that is fun)

Two of Your Favourite Hobbies:
1. Magic Cards (I'm such a geek)
2. Urban Climbing

Two Things You Want Really Badly At The Moment:
1. Super Powers
2. Powers to Agument my super powers

Two pets you had/have:
1. Bailey, My family dog
2. Muffin, one of my old rats.

Two people who will fill this out:
1. by the time I get finish
2. Most people will be already done this

Two things you did last night:
1. Worked until 3 am
2. Thought about the following day

Two Favourite Places to eat:
1. Mrs. Riches
2. Peter's Drive In (Best Fast food in Canada Peroid. No arguements, end of discussion)

Two People that live in your house:
1. Jess comma my sister
2. Gil comma my dad

Two things you ate today:
1. Mcdonalds (yes, Im aware it's gross but I needed to eat something)
2. Ice, so much ice

Two people you Last Talked To:
1. Amber
2. Kelsey Crozier, or KC

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. Working.
2. Hanging out with Patty. Well actually Jordan's hanging out with patty, I only wish I was hanging out with Patty, Providing its the patty I'm thinking off. I will be hanging out with lewis. to be regaled with Stories of his Japan trip.

Two things you should be doin right now:
1. Getting undressed
2. Sleeping

Friday, May 26, 2006

Movie Marathon Madness

I watched 4 movies yesterday, thats an awesome way to kill a full day. Started off with X-men 2 (cause I don't have X-men 1 and my dad wouldn't let me rent it cause he wanted to do it), Amber was supposed to come over as well to watch the movies but she decided to be responsible and stay home and not be underslept for work the next day. So around 6, Rose and I started watching some more movies. Started with Electra (better then Daredevil but still not super good. Had good lines like, after a kiss the guy says "I'm sorry" and she says "Yeah I hated that".) then we watched x-men 2 again. Cause we had to get in the mood to see Xmen 3. So I watched the same movie twice in one day, which is a rare occourance. And finally Xmen 3 was awesome. I don't want to ruin it for the people who havn't seen it yet, which is everyone else cause I saw it before everyone. it's filmed all in Vancouver BTW so look out for things you might recognize. So many things though that I didn't expect to happen. except Cyclops dying. I knew that one was coming because Marvel doesn't like DC and the guy that plays Cyclops is in Superman so he got his character killed off. Silly guy. So all in all it was a great night. And the movie were great too.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Another survey

Bordom takes over. And things just get written like this survey that I stole off Kaitlyn's blog. I wonder how fast these things travel accoss the random sphere of blogger. An experiement may be in order. Anyways, to the point

9 lasts.
last place you were: Pipers pub.
last cigarette: Appauled at this question: Never
last beverage: Water
last kiss: I kissed my dog earlier today.
last movie seen: Over the Hedge. Saw it yesterday
last phone call: Chris. Appearenly I need to turn around and go back cause the lady gave us the wrong cheque. Or something
last cd played: "The Masterwork CD" Labeled after D&D. (you can hit people with +1 accuracy)
last bubble bath: I think back in the days when I was going out with Lawrie and I took one with her
last time you cried: Sometime this month, and it was a monday, can't rememeber the date.

8 have you evers. (appearenlt there are only 7... weird)
-have you ever dated someone twice: nuh-uh
-have you ever been cheated on: Too many times
-have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: I regret nothing about kissing people.
-have you ever fallen in love: yeah, and now I have to be careful
-have you ever made out in the woods: Yes...only made out in the woods, only made out... Yes
-have you ever been depressed: Yes
-have you ever been drunk and thrown up: Once, first time, now I can't drink Cidar.

7 states you've been to: (I don't answer this question, I don't think I've even been to more then one state)

6 things you've done today.
1. Smashed so much glass. So much stress just gone.
2. took out part of a house (I got yelled at)
3. Hung out with Chris
4. Eat some icecream that was frozen with liquid Nitrogen, it was the best icecream ever.
5. Went to a Native reserve. I was scared cause Chris is racist
6. Not gone to the theaters:)

5 favorite things.
1. Games.
2. Friends
3. Puzzles
4. Food
5. Music

4 people you can tell pretty much anything to.(in no particular order)
1. Halley
2. Amber (I've been talking to her quite a bit lately about everything)
3. I don't think I have the other two, I just recently lost the people I trust that much. So I need to make more
4. yes , make more.

3 favorite colors.
1. Blue
2. Red
3. Black

2 things you want to do before you die.
1. Speak another langauge fluently and travel to the respected country. Can accomplish more then once
2. Never to feel like I've made bad choices and to be happy

1. I regret: much, however most are negligable, but I do have some large regrets which I cannot mention. Not yet anyways

Saturday, May 20, 2006


So far two full days off it's been wonderful. I had half of thursday off which I used to relax, even though Amber was supposed to come into town and hang out with me. So I didn't do very much until about 11:30 when I got a hold of Kevin Dobson and we went to go see the Da Vinci Code. HAHA, I saw it before everyone. Didn't even get home until about 3:30
Friday was much more eventful. Started off with me waking up at 11 which isn't bad sleep wise. Nearly 8 hours. Then I went to the ferry terminal to pick up my wonderful friend Halley, that most of you know now. We've been friends forever but we hardly ever get to see each other. this year is going to be awesome, I saw her back in March, then this weekend, and I plan on going over to Vancouver for a night or two in August and if she's going camping I'll probably be going then. So this is turning out to be an awesome year. Anyways, so I picked her up and we came back to my house. We caught up for around 5 hours. I showed her a couple places of interest around my house, we had some pizza, then went to the water front and got some icecream. After that we went to Alleahs house. Gave Alleah a ride home from the mailbox. Thats right, saved her a full minutes walk. hah. The Party was awesome but everyone knows how it went. I only had three beer for the entire night, so I only drank two and Halley drank one. So we were both sober the entire time. Thats a minus, but I planned on driving so It was a good thing. (And I really want a copy of the pictures that you took Alleah). We left around 12:30, 12:45 I dont' know exactly cause I broke my watch. Said goodbye to everyone except Amber, because I hate her, well by hate I mean I couldn't find.
Woke up on Saturday just a split second before Halley was going to poke me in the face or something. I guess she's not that sneaky. I watched the movie Domino, which is weird and confusing I wouldn't recommend it. And then we headed out to the old city quarter where we found a couple good shops, had lunch at Delicados which was really good. Then we bumped into Alleahs and Mel who were there for a bubble tea craving. Gave Mel a ride up north to Baywood glass so that Halley could meet Chris. If I was smart I would've done that before going downtown. After that I just dropped her off at the ferries, said our goodbyes, and I came back home and now I'm writing a blog. And now I'm writing about writing in the blog. lol. Going to go play with Tim fairly soon as well. Excellent weekend so far. Now I shall prepare for monday when I shall be doing a great deal of urban climbing.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Stolen Media Player Survey

I found this on Barb's blog, so here's me conforming to the curve of trends.

How many songs? 141

Sort by artist
First artist: Adema
Last artist: Symphony X

Sort by song title
First Song: "Highway blues"
Last Song: Wings of a butterfly - HIM

Sort by time
Shortest Song: Battle of Sudden Flame - Blind Guardian 0:44 (From one end of the extreme)
Longest Song: The Odyssey - Symphony x 24:07 (To the other, lets see who can beat mine)

Sort by album
First Album: 10000 Fists - Disturbed
Last Album: Unstable - Adema

How many songs come up when you search for "sex" - 0
How many songs come up when you search for "death"? - 1
How many songs come up when you search for "love"? - 4

Woot Indeed.

Monday, May 15, 2006

The impact of shards of metal

Another 10 hour work day gone and I'm finally able to rest. It was a horrible day at work. So much was going wrong with putting in windows. Normally when we take out windows it's simple, we just take of the trim and pull out the glass and it's done. But for some reason this house has all metal windows, so we have to run a saw all around it. Theres metal shards in places I didn't even know I had! Not only that but appearently Chris and I put three windows in badly, so we had to fix all our errors. This work day just didn't seem to end. After work was so nice. Chris and I picked up Cam, got a pack of beer and went to the lake to cool off. Though the water was even colder then we thought it would be so we just ended up hanging out for a bit and drinking a couple beer it was nice. But a much needed break. I can't wait until thursday when I have 4 straight full days off.
Well Lawrie (my ex-girlfriend) just told me that she's all about the women now. So that means the last two girlfriends that I've had, ended up being gay afterwards. I think it's amusing but maybe it's something about me. I make women not like men anymore.
I finally had my meeting with the GM of the Galaxy last night as well. Went over a whole bunch of things on how I'm not being treated fairly, and I told him that I did an experiement in which I showed up for work and didn't the absolute minimum, so I'm not in trouble at all, in fact, he told me that it was okay for me to continue my experiement until my concerns are delt with. So Now I don't even have to work while I'm working. heh.
And now I'm alone with my thoughts which normally is a good thing but I've been thinking too much lately and it's getting carried away. But oh well...
Damn I lost (lets see who else will lose now)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Phew, glad that day is over

My past day and a half has been nothing but work. It's been kinda lame. Yesterday I got up at 7 to go to work for 8. And I get there, I do some small things around the glass shop while I wait for Jeff to get the truck ready. Went to the house that we're were needed to put in windows at and it was a mess. Like everything was everywhere. Couldn't get to the old windows because there was lumber and stones and stumps all over the place. Putting in windows that are over 100lbs and need to go up about 6 feet when you've got crap all over the place is a difficult task, long story short, I was spent. Took longer as well to finish the last window for the day so I didn't even get off that work until 6. Then I went to the galaxy for my shift there, and I found out that they overstaffed by one, so it was looking good. It would be a nice slack night. So I sat in the lobby for 5 1/2 hours building standees, which is the greatest part of my theater job. And then I had to get up to work at the theater again at 12:15 this morning, thats not even 12 hours after I got off there. Good thing they sent me home early. I am now spent
I put up both my pieces of art and man do they look perty. So I'm planning on not doing much all night but there is a party that Chris wants me to go to, so I may go to that tonight but I may not. Depends, I feel a little antisocial right now.
OH and I found out a couple days ago that one of my really good friends, Halley, is coming down to visit me for a couple days next week. I'm really excited about that. I only get to see her maybe once a year, so it's going to be grand fun!
Speaking of trips to, I need to also plan a trip up to campbell river to see Kaitlyn. Most likely bringing Amber and Geoff along too, but I havn't talked to Kaitlyn in almost a week now so It's pretty hard to plan something. Something will be done though.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Now I'm sophisticated

Where it's Art? Thats where my new art came from. I decided to buy a couple pieces of artwork from the store. And now I'm more sophisticated. Even though they are a stereotypical pieces that I would get, Each one is a dragon beathing fire. It suits my room though and I like them.

10 hours a work today is alot. I really work way too much. Put in 9 windows today at two different houses. So many tools and crap I have to remember or the people's houses are not going to be warm and my boss has to go fix it which means I get in trouble. But It's good. I really seem to have nothing better to do right now then work, so thats what I'm going to be doing until I decide I tired of it. Though Tomorrow I will be hella tired. I work from 8 am, until probably around 12 pm, with about 30 minutes for lunch and maybe 15-30 to go from one job to the other. WOOT, 16 hour day. I'm gonna be dead. But I know I'll be sleeping good then.

Update on animation: Decided that started off with animals is going to be difficult since I"ve been away from the program almost a year. So I've made a 3d stick man that might dance/do whatever I want him to do (hahahah he's my puppet!) so once I get that down, I'll start making shorts with the stick men until I can model animal awesomely.
Later Days!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gave in

Well with all the nothingness to do, I've decided to give in a create myself a blog. So heres to my first blog post ever. So this is me giving in to never journaling out my life. So be happy it's all coming out on here.
I finally got my animation program, 3d studio max 8, working again so I can start all my animation again. One of my friends from work Suggest I make shorts about a 'crowe' named Russel and a seagull named Steven. And just to make it a little interesting I decided to put in Micheal Jay and Jamie as the bad guys, both of which will be foxes of course. But it's going to take a long time to model all of the characters.
Im going to cut my first post short here. My mind is tired from all the work I've been doing lately. I need a full day off but thats not going to happen for some time so I must relax while I can.