From the Pit of an Olive

The newly found Journals of a crazy. Not the kind of crazy that has under gone a mind over matter conversion, but the kind thats just crazy.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


So far two full days off it's been wonderful. I had half of thursday off which I used to relax, even though Amber was supposed to come into town and hang out with me. So I didn't do very much until about 11:30 when I got a hold of Kevin Dobson and we went to go see the Da Vinci Code. HAHA, I saw it before everyone. Didn't even get home until about 3:30
Friday was much more eventful. Started off with me waking up at 11 which isn't bad sleep wise. Nearly 8 hours. Then I went to the ferry terminal to pick up my wonderful friend Halley, that most of you know now. We've been friends forever but we hardly ever get to see each other. this year is going to be awesome, I saw her back in March, then this weekend, and I plan on going over to Vancouver for a night or two in August and if she's going camping I'll probably be going then. So this is turning out to be an awesome year. Anyways, so I picked her up and we came back to my house. We caught up for around 5 hours. I showed her a couple places of interest around my house, we had some pizza, then went to the water front and got some icecream. After that we went to Alleahs house. Gave Alleah a ride home from the mailbox. Thats right, saved her a full minutes walk. hah. The Party was awesome but everyone knows how it went. I only had three beer for the entire night, so I only drank two and Halley drank one. So we were both sober the entire time. Thats a minus, but I planned on driving so It was a good thing. (And I really want a copy of the pictures that you took Alleah). We left around 12:30, 12:45 I dont' know exactly cause I broke my watch. Said goodbye to everyone except Amber, because I hate her, well by hate I mean I couldn't find.
Woke up on Saturday just a split second before Halley was going to poke me in the face or something. I guess she's not that sneaky. I watched the movie Domino, which is weird and confusing I wouldn't recommend it. And then we headed out to the old city quarter where we found a couple good shops, had lunch at Delicados which was really good. Then we bumped into Alleahs and Mel who were there for a bubble tea craving. Gave Mel a ride up north to Baywood glass so that Halley could meet Chris. If I was smart I would've done that before going downtown. After that I just dropped her off at the ferries, said our goodbyes, and I came back home and now I'm writing a blog. And now I'm writing about writing in the blog. lol. Going to go play with Tim fairly soon as well. Excellent weekend so far. Now I shall prepare for monday when I shall be doing a great deal of urban climbing.


At May 20, 2006 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

despite what i said in my blog about not making an effort anymore... i will still make an effort to hang out with you soon...

BAH i was outside for most of the night... lying on the porch, looking at the beautiful stars!!!!

At May 22, 2006 12:07 AM, Blogger VivaLaPinto said...

haha, Olives, my pics are sweet. posted some on my blog, select other are on search VivaLaPinto...there shall be more coming.

At May 23, 2006 12:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i want to know every detail of that monday "conversation" in the cash room kyle!!!!!!

At July 20, 2006 5:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.


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