From the Pit of an Olive

The newly found Journals of a crazy. Not the kind of crazy that has under gone a mind over matter conversion, but the kind thats just crazy.

Monday, May 15, 2006

The impact of shards of metal

Another 10 hour work day gone and I'm finally able to rest. It was a horrible day at work. So much was going wrong with putting in windows. Normally when we take out windows it's simple, we just take of the trim and pull out the glass and it's done. But for some reason this house has all metal windows, so we have to run a saw all around it. Theres metal shards in places I didn't even know I had! Not only that but appearently Chris and I put three windows in badly, so we had to fix all our errors. This work day just didn't seem to end. After work was so nice. Chris and I picked up Cam, got a pack of beer and went to the lake to cool off. Though the water was even colder then we thought it would be so we just ended up hanging out for a bit and drinking a couple beer it was nice. But a much needed break. I can't wait until thursday when I have 4 straight full days off.
Well Lawrie (my ex-girlfriend) just told me that she's all about the women now. So that means the last two girlfriends that I've had, ended up being gay afterwards. I think it's amusing but maybe it's something about me. I make women not like men anymore.
I finally had my meeting with the GM of the Galaxy last night as well. Went over a whole bunch of things on how I'm not being treated fairly, and I told him that I did an experiement in which I showed up for work and didn't the absolute minimum, so I'm not in trouble at all, in fact, he told me that it was okay for me to continue my experiement until my concerns are delt with. So Now I don't even have to work while I'm working. heh.
And now I'm alone with my thoughts which normally is a good thing but I've been thinking too much lately and it's getting carried away. But oh well...
Damn I lost (lets see who else will lose now)


At May 15, 2006 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a nice way to relax (except for the beer .. i hate beer)

anywho... yes...

does this mean i have a better chance at getting kaitlyn now?

At May 16, 2006 1:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

our managers definitely march to their own drum...

tiannas is a very big drum.

i heard on the ride to pizza hut, when they got there she was there already... seemed to have missed the point that u were supposed to ride down.... ahahaha. oh dear.

At May 16, 2006 4:57 PM, Blogger Akiyhrah said...

Amber, you aready had me... *lick*

At May 16, 2006 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hee hee

**hugs kaitlyn**


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