From the Pit of an Olive

The newly found Journals of a crazy. Not the kind of crazy that has under gone a mind over matter conversion, but the kind thats just crazy.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Life of a school boy

wow, I used to be posting all the time, now I can't find time to post anything ever. Even though I only got to school 3 days a week it's still crazy work load.
Recently I've spent probably around 12 hours doing my English project perposal (not even the project itself) and it's still not done. But it's within finishing distance that I can do it tomorrow before I wake up and go to D&D. Mid term here and mid term there. BAH! It's not even October yet. I'm dreading Monday but at the same time yerning for it. I really want to know how I did on both my Math and my Phil mid terms. I think I did the kind of sauce that one would just have to call AWESOME.
It was quite amusing too, the last test I had in Math, I totally froze. I couldn't make sense on anything and the answers that I got my absolutely no sense. I was quite distraught. I've never failed a test albiet a math test. My strong suit. But I came in the next day and found out I got 93% on it. So thats pretty good for thinking I failed. Maybe I work on the 95% pass scale, or I'm just that damned good. (Now here comes the yelling for being Argogant).
Work has been nuts the part few days. Two weeks ago we would do maybe 500 people for the entire day which is peanuts, but tonight we did over 2400. Same for friday. It's been crazy. I've havn't worked that hard there in so long. But I enjoy working hard over being bored any day. Time just flies by, nothing is lulling, and I'm moving so quickly that I'm getting a workout. It's been an awesome time. Even though I still hate my manager.
My third D&D campaign is about to start up now too. So I've got three going at a time. one with Spencer, one of my own and one with Tim. And I look forward to every single session. OH note: to anyone that is part of my d&d campaign, if you got something that you want me to add in the campaign let me know. I.e. if you want more hack and slash and less kinda puzzle type things. Stuff like that. Cause It looked like Lisa was kinda bored. But albiet you guys just moved around all my encounters. Tim's campaign involves me seiging a castle that Chris made. And I am totally going to school his ass. Well I might, who knows, but it's going to be fun. I've never done a PVP campaign before. Now to get some sleep, so I can wake up, do homework then D&D all day.

On a side note: I'd like to thank Amber to requesting the update. made me make time for it. And I'm also sorry that I had to miss your party. I was looking forward to it, but I just got off work now, and I"m exhausted. So I didn't really want to go all the way out there for just an hour


At October 01, 2006 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHEEEE for updates upon request!!!


oh and it's alright, keep the weekend before halloween open.
we will have another party then... the theme will be announced when i send out the invite emails.

At October 02, 2006 2:12 AM, Blogger jordanibanez said...

Alright, I'll just come right out and say it. I personally prefer more combat in campaigns. They're fun. Plus, they land you experience, and that equals power. And I'm a power gamer. I enjoy roleplaying, sure, but I prefer 'making a juggernaut'. That's the most fun to me. But that's just my suggestion.

At October 10, 2006 10:27 PM, Blogger Akiyhrah said...

You need to update, dude!!!


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