From the Pit of an Olive

The newly found Journals of a crazy. Not the kind of crazy that has under gone a mind over matter conversion, but the kind thats just crazy.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

School = Awesome

So, Schools going good up at good ol' mal. I've only been there 4 days yet I'm loving it there. I don't really know anyone in any of my classes but oh well. I'll either make new friends, or I'll just study hard. I think I can Come close to acing two of my courses. math 121 (Calculus) and Comp Sci 160. I'm aiming for high 90's so anything less will be unsatisfactory. however my other three classes I'm unsure about. English has always been my downfall so I'm going to be struggling with that, as Philosophy is similiar to English in the writing aspect. Phil. is so much fun, learning about the theory of Knowledge. (Note: I'm doing the theory of knowledge for my english project as well, hmm, what that? Kiling two birds with one stone?) The first day of classes we got into an argument about what knowledge actually is and if anyone can posess some sort of knowledge that is absolute. very intereting stuff. Psyc is pretty decent too, but I'm kinda peeved about it. They told me that I wouldn't need my textbook since there is one online. But the online book doesn't have all the info as it seems. So I may have to get the textbook...again. I've already got it once and I returned it. Lame
Outside of school, life is going grand. I'm starting to enjoy my work a little more again. Almost like back in the good ol' days. Still havn't found out about the promotion. They said (again) by the end of this month. Thats also what they said last month. They just all suck at doing their work.
I was supposed to go to the bar tonight with Amber and them all, but I had to not. Chris and Nick invited me to go to the bar. And I thought it out. I'm going to see all the theatres again at school and this saturday at Amber's party, but I don't get to see Chris that often, so I had to pick that one. Sorry I had to ditch you Amber, but happy birthday none the less. I'll see you on saturday, and maybe a surprize'll come along too. *wink*
As with my relationship with Rose; things are going grand. It's been almost 4 months and we've yet to even have a fight, or any kind of anger towards one another or even a sub-par time with each other. So I figure things are going very well. We spend a lot of time together, but I guess thats what happens when in relationships. however since her birthday I havn't been able to think of any kind of awesome surprize. I don't think I'm in need of one, but it's always good to be prepared.
Until then, This is DM Olives say "Keep rollin' them twenties"


At September 17, 2006 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey!!! i dont recall getting any surpize at my party :S

thats ok... wednesday was still friggin awesome.. mmmm saturday was a bit of a let down from it.

At September 19, 2006 2:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Good to hear about school. Who is your phil. prof? Philosophy classes are so cool, i took ethics and it was really neat I loved it. Im trying to get into philosophy of relationships for january.

At September 29, 2006 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am requesting an UPDATE


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