From the Pit of an Olive

The newly found Journals of a crazy. Not the kind of crazy that has under gone a mind over matter conversion, but the kind thats just crazy.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

End of The Vacation

Unfortunetly my vacation is finally come to an end. I've got 6 1/2 hours left of it before I have to go back to work, so I'm planning on spending today just relaxing, watching some movies maybe. I havn't been updating that frequently so I'll compound it all into one blog. So here is my vacation is reverse order.

Saturday: Spend most of the day travelling back from Vancouver. I left Halley's house at 12ish and arrived at 4:15 so that was a long journey. I was also scheduled to work at 6 and that kind of angered me because I was supposed to be on vacation. So when I got to work, I found out that they had covered my shift (Cause I called in the week before and left an angry message) and they just didn't call me. So I got there at 6, signed in, found out that I wasn't need and left. So I got paid for two hours of work for doing nothing, it was good. I headed over to Chris' house afterward to just see what he was up to, played some games of smash brothers. He is the only person that I've played that can beat me half the time. Brings out the competition. He was going to go to a party at 8 with no one that I really knew so I left. Hung out with Gareth a bit, went down to the cambie to listen to some local bands play. Aeroplane was good and I liked 16mm, but I was very tired so I left before counting heartbeats played. I did get a freee drink though, the waitress came by and gave me my drink, and I gave her money, then she just gave it back to me and 1.75 more, so it was cool. After that I just went home and slept.

Friday: Left on the 10:40 ferry to go to Vancouver. I remember back in the days when my parents didn't want me going to vancouver by myself. But it was kind of funny, I told my dad I was staying the night in vancouver and he just said okay. Then it was "did you want to know where I was staying?" I'm glad my parents don't really care what I do, it's nice. Actually my dad was more worried that Rose would be jelous that I was staying at another girl's house. And thats one of the reasons why Rose is just plain awesome. She has trust in me that I wont do anything and that means alot to me. Anyways, back to the day, I got a little lost once I got to granville station, I went away from the skytrain station instead of towards it. But I met up with halley all in due time. We then went to Granville Island and looked about. Went to a really neat store called Dragonspace which had all this cool stuff. Anything to do with magic, like Wicca stuff, lots of mythological stuff. Really neat store, we spent probably a good 30 minutes in there. After a while we headed back to her house, which it quite nice, and I met her 'rents. funy cause one of the first things they offer me was a Daiquiri. It was neat. So we just talked to most of the night until her b/f came over and we watched a bit of Tv and monty python and the holy grail. Really awesome.

Thursday: I took My Rosie to Victoria for some excellent tripping. We went about some of the similar stuff that did on my birthday. Went into all the little shops, and the water front. The same buskers that were there on my birthday were there this day too. The mine and the jugling comic. They are still really awesome the second time I saw them. After a long walk around we took a drive, ended up at the sea wall which is where I was trying to get to. The day was so nice that the walk on the sea wall was just plain wonderful. the water kept hitting the blocks really hard and splashing everywhere, and rose kept jumping and letting out little screams everytime it happened. Figured that the water front would be one of the best places for watching a sunset. When we went to dinner, we were the only people in the resturant which was really cool. Kept getting lost trying to find it. Then on the way back we stopped at the lookout point on the top of the malahat. Lots of fun that day

Wednesday: just hung out with Rose until about 3ish then I went to the bank to talk the to guy about getting a credit card. So he was being stupid and said I wasn't allowed to get it so I'm jsut going to go to another bank. But I opened up an RRSP and an additional savings account, so I'm going to be planning very smart. lol. After that was all done, I went out to qualicum to hang out with Amber. Talked for a while about her life and random other things, then we bought me dinner. I was quite surprized and pleased. I don't often get treated out to places cause I always tell people not to, but it was very nice of her. We went back to her place and just watched fear and loathing. And I still don't get what that movie is about, was just alot of Drugs and doing the american dream.

Tuesday: Wasn't increadably eventful, just spent the day with Rose, we were going to go to Victoria then, but she got an interview for a job so that took prioirty. But she found out on that spot that she got a job. So thats awesome! Then I spent the rest of the day with her, and that is always amazing good times. We've been together just over two months, but I havn't yet had even a sub-par time with her. It always great.

Monday: Again I spent the entire day with Rose, but this was her birthday. I planned and got her probably one of the best things I got anyone. there were so many things in the giant box I got her, that I couldn't go wrong. Everything was wrapped up and placed inside a bigger box which was wrapped up as well. But opening the box, there was Flowers all about the inside. So now It was a decent present, the next thing she unwrapped was a box of chocolates. So flowers and Chocolates, now I can't go wrong no matter what else I got her. If you wish to know what else I did, you can talk to her and she can show you pictures. I have this thing where whenever I do something really awesome for someone, I have to outdo myself the next thing that I do. But I gave up after this. I'm not going to outdo it for a very long time.

Sunday: This was the start of my vacation, the scheduled me for the morning as well, but that was my bad, I forgot to book off the entire day, I just did the evening, so I wasn't mad at them for that at all. After work, I just went to go see Fiddler on the Roof. even though it was like a 3 hour play, it was halarious. I don't think they even wanted it to be that funny, but it just turned out like that. Didn't go to the cast party cause I had to prepare all the presents for Rose's birthday.

Anyways, that was my rant about my life at the moment. I got an e-mail from my boss too saying that I'll find out if I'm going to be the manager of the theater either this month or beginning of next. So I'm crossing my fingers that I can get it. Until next time Folks.


At August 07, 2006 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wheee i love being mentioned

and im always a nice person olives :P

At August 07, 2006 1:35 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

COUNTING HEARTBEATS IS MY LOOOOOOVVVEEEE!!!!!!!!!! I love them.. all of my friends were at that show, cept me. Aeroplane played on my birthday too, julian (lead singer) is Emily Sagers brother in law, and the drummer Brad is/was(?) sating my moms good friend.. maybe my mom was there. haha oh i love shows.

At August 07, 2006 1:36 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


At August 08, 2006 1:23 AM, Blogger Olives said...

You sure are a nice person amber, thats why I come and visit you:P. I wouldn't if you were mean.

And as for Alana, you told me that when I got to work, therefore it's funny to read it again.

At August 19, 2006 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...




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