From the Pit of an Olive

The newly found Journals of a crazy. Not the kind of crazy that has under gone a mind over matter conversion, but the kind thats just crazy.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Peer Pressured

Well everyone else is doing is, lets go with the flow. Just like The Queens of the Stoneage told me to.

Name 21 people you can think of right off the top of your head..Dont read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 21 people.

1. Halley
2. Loree
3. Lawrie
4. Chris
5. Lewis
6. Dobson
7. Alleah
8. Geoff
9. Amber
10. Rose
11. Gregiore
12. Alana
13. Foo
14. Kaitlyn
15. Xtreme Joe
16. Leanne
17. Lauren
18. Sheena
19. Farm
20. Gareth
21. Katrina

Q: How did you meet 14? At Alleah's party, I believe the St. Patricks one. I started talking to her about video games and we talked for a good couple hours in the wee hours of the morn.

Q: What would you have to do to see 10? Either Log onto MSN or send a message via phone. And after that I'll see in like 30 minutes. So It's easy for me to see her whenever.

Q: What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? I wouldn't do anything. I would sit back and watch. I think that would be a kind of odd set up. Though I don't think they even know each other.

Q: Would 21 and 12 make a good couple? Hahah, I laugh at this question, I sure they might fool around, I wouldn't put it past Katrina, but unsure about Alana. But no it would never happen.

Q: Describe 6: I havn't an Idea how to describe people. Uhh he's tall ish, and is now Gyming to become bigger. He's a lightweight, my climbing buddy, and one of my best friends.

Q: Do you think 19 is attractive? I think not. He's more of a moron then anything else. I don't think people with his personality are they attractive. It's what I get for looking under the skin.

Q: Tell me something humiliating about 17: We once gave her coffee after coffee until she was like a bumblebee. Buzzing around everywhere. Maybe a hummingbird would be a better desription, but one of those things that you'd have to be there to make it humiliating.

Q: Do you know any of 4's family members? He's been like my best friend since gr 9. I think I'm one of the few people that his mom doens't hate. and I work for his Step dad. So I obviously have no idea about his family.

Q: When's the last time you talked to 13? Honestly, I have no idea. I think when I got him and Cam to climb schools.

Q: What is 2's favorite band? I havn't no idea. She lives halfway accross the country to I don't listen to the music that she plays. I'm sure I'll figure it out when I get the chance to visit her.

Q: Would you ever date 5? Nope. Not gay in the slightest, so I don't think I would ever.

Q: Is 11 single? I think he is. But I don't know too much about his personal life. But I think not. but who knows. well I'm sure he knows.

Q: Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 16? I sure hope not. and I'm sure I'd be hunted down if I did. Can't take xtreme Joe's girlfriend away from him, and I think i'd just end up killing her so I'd say no.

Q: Where does 15 live? He just recently moved. I think he was in a place near country club but I can't remember. Havn't been there at all.

Q: Are number 7 & 8 best friends? Well whenever I see Geoff I see Alleah too. So I assume that they are good friends, don't think best friends though. But good friends.

Q: Do you like 1? Absolutely. She's one of my favorite people. Always so upbeat. We've been friends for such a long time too. I'd be nice to live in the same city though.

Q: Thoughts on 3? Big part of my life just gone. I'm glad that she's found someone else. I am kinda glad that she's back in Toronto where she's got family to help take care of her. I think this might be the first time just being friends will actually work. But thats as much as we'll ever be again.

Q. Did you ever have a crush on 18 (Changed from #5 cause there are two 5's and no 18's): No, She's kinda cool and fun to hang out with, but I don't think I could picture myself dating her at all, and I've never really felt that way.

Q. Do you think 13 is attractive? Appearently he's gained like 20 lbs and weighs like 20 more then i do. And he's got a penis. I generally don't find people with Penis (Plural) attractive.

Q. What's 21's favorite colour? I think Green

Q. What would you do if 19 just confessed they liked you? Laugh at him and Ask if he's on drugs

Q. What language does 20 speak? Just English and A tad of Jap cause I took it with him.

Q. Who is 15 going out with? Xtreme Leanne.

Q. Would you ever date 7? I would. Now this is a little weird cause she said pretty much that same thing on Hers. I would have to get to know her more, and I'd have to be not going out with anyone else. So as the past: I sure would've; as of now: No cause I"m with my Rosie:D; In the future: Who knows, only time could tell.

Q. Would you ever date 1? If we lived in the same city something might've happened, I had a big crush on her for a long time, but now I'm glad we're just great friends. But again, in the future: Who knows, only time could tell.

Q. Do you hate 21? Not at all, she caused some controvery between Chris and Lewis, but that seems to be over now, so there is no hard feelings.

Q. What is 9's last name? Ahh Crap. I'm horrible with names. She's told me at least twice but I can't remember, I'm sure I'm going to hear all about this. But if I was told her last name I could recognize it.

Q. Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 2? First she's have to have graduated from school. Second We'd have to live in the same city, (not to mention same province). but I had wanted to at some point but that was another crush.

Q. What school does 3 go to? She just got accepted into a school, but I can't recall the name. I'm bad with names.

Well there now thats done. That killed some time while I watched the Replacements and just waiting around for Rosie to be done her playish type thing. I just got an e-mail too saying that some of the swords and stuff I ordered on Ebay are being sent, so excellent. Soon I may be getting arrested for walking around with a sword in public, but hopefully I'll have restraint. I've been working soo much at the theater right now, actually getting full time so I've cut back on my glass work job. But I pretty much have my days free. So if anyone is bored during the days, and feel like hanging out let me know. it'll probably be better then me just playing Warcraft 3 and Neverwinter nights during the days. lol, I'm so lame. Oh well, tata For now everyone.


At June 11, 2006 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...




its okay, I still love you :)

hee hee and you are right. I do not know who Gareth is.

At June 11, 2006 10:58 AM, Blogger VivaLaPinto said...

haha! weird, same number! and btw, that are seven and eight best friends question? yes ME and Geoff are best friends. lol! At least I consider him one of my best. I'm pretty sure he thinks of me the same way, though you'd have to ask him of course! :P

At June 11, 2006 11:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

the replacements is one of my favourite movies!!


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