From the Pit of an Olive

The newly found Journals of a crazy. Not the kind of crazy that has under gone a mind over matter conversion, but the kind thats just crazy.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I am the selling Master

So yesterday at work (Galaxy) was the day that I had challenged Ang to a extra butter contest. It's just to see who can sell the most extra butters which isn't all to hard in itself. And now I'm all proud cause I beat her 30-21. She's pretty much regarded as the best concession person, and me, never being in concession, beat her. I have Uber selling skills. The management also challenged me to sell a bunch of giftcertificates on Tuesday. They wanted me to sell like 300 dollars worth, and they didn't think anyone could do it. I showed them, I sold 570 dollars worth to people. Most of them didn't even want the gift certificates yet I goaded them into buying them. So thats what happens when you believe you've got high charisma and you are the son of a salesman. Enough about work though, time to write about the party.
I got off work at 5:30 instead of 6:30 yesterday so I had some extra time to get something to eat, and get ready before I went to go pick Amber up from Qualicum. the drive out there was lots of fun cause I remembered I left my cd player under the seat in my car. So ROCK OUT to qualicum. When I got to Amber's house, she of course, wasn't ready yet. So I talked to her Aunt for a little while. They kinda scare me cause they are rediculiously nice. I wasn't there for long though and we headed back into town to arrive at Barb's and Brianna's moving out party. Amber had much fun in the car using my phone to text message Rose. Now it seems she wants a phone to text message people even more. When we got to woodgrove, I gave Dobson a call and swung by his place. He was also compelled to be used for his age, which stucks cause I'm soo close to being 19. I decided also that I'm going to be trying different types of alcohol now so I can fully appreciate each. So I got him to pick me up some Rye which is fairly good in Coke, but didn't get to try it straight cause I had to drive so not much drinking.
So we arrive at the party, and they kinda wait until we are inside and comfortable before they decide to go outside. Good fun outside with Cameras. I completely forgot my camera so I'm going to have to find out where Barb lives and steal some of the pictures that were taken. After some time Tim calls me outside to do an errard. Appearently we needed cups, so we travel about looking for a store before we just decide to go to Subway and get cups. Kevin bought me a cookie, and that was a good cookie. So after Subway we decided to go to what ever elementary school that one like 2nd and Howard, and scale it. took a little while before we figure out the best way, but Kevin and I did it. Tim however wasn't able to, though it wasn't because he can't, but it was an akward angle and the roof overhang left maybe 2 feet to get on. So I don't even think he would've fit, and if he would have, it must not have been comfortable. With that being done, we return to the party so find everyone playing pictionary. I felt awesome, I walked in a saw the picture barb was drawing and I got the answer. Generally I stink at pictionary. Both the drawing part and the guesssing party. I helped make a Goosebumps puzzle too, which was awesome. I *heart* puzzles. Is it bad that most of the games I like and the kinds that make you think and try to learn and understand patterns. Its like Math. I also got challenge by Tim to a wrestling match. Which was so much fun, it's been a long time since I wrestled someone. Tim kept trying to just grab my leg to knock me down but I wasn't going to have any of it. took a while before something happened, but I got Tim to lean forward to I did my third favorite Judo move to him. It's called Tomo Nage. I'm sure almost everyone has seen it before, Cpt. Kurt does it all the time in the star trek series. But it's where I fall on my back when they a leaning forward and I put my foot until his stomache and I throw him straight over my head. That was pretty much it, once I got him on the ground I quickly pinned him with Monekatami. Ah the greatness of Japanese names. They kick ass. there was so much physical activity for me. just before we all got kicked out, I decided that I was going to carry Rose all the way to the 7-11, I didn't judge the distance very well, but I did it. After we returned to Barb's, Dobson, Cora, Rose, Amber, Geoff and myself all went to the water front to hang out for a little while. It was quite nice. After a while I just had so much energy that I was running and rolling all, over the place. It could almost be discribed as giving a 5 year old a whole ton of sugar and setting them free in a park. And I must give Geoff a High five! He offered to give Amber a ride home which was very kinda of him, and that also ment that I didn't have to drive to Qualicum again, so it worked out quite well. Good Work Geoff. Except I must also say bad job Geoff. When we were driving back from the water front he randomally pulled into the Terminal park parking lot and did a quick u-turn. He probably would've hit us or come close to it if I didn't swerve out of the way. But it was a good night, didn't even get home until 3am. Woot... Woot indeed


At June 04, 2006 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on being selling master

last night was fun... wasnt it?

At June 04, 2006 10:39 PM, Blogger jordanibanez said...

Pictionary was quite entertaining.

At June 05, 2006 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think so, however, I didn't play pictionary.

At June 05, 2006 2:08 AM, Blogger Olives said...

But pictionary is always awesomecore

At June 05, 2006 2:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

i bet i could pwn your large cup ass... not even ang can touch that. i give people extra butters for free.. because corporations suck... and i dont make commission on those :) but its hella awesome u beat ang!

Large cups have gotten me 35$ worth of future shop cards over the last 2 weekends haha. oooh g.

At June 05, 2006 3:38 AM, Blogger jordanibanez said...

You know, I meant to say, Guess Who is quite entertaining.

At June 05, 2006 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was somewhat interesting to watch...

but i was distracted by my alcohol and the book "Groovy Greeks"

At July 02, 2006 2:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

At July 18, 2006 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.


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