From the Pit of an Olive

The newly found Journals of a crazy. Not the kind of crazy that has under gone a mind over matter conversion, but the kind thats just crazy.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas Rant

Why do we Celebrate Christmas? Because everyone is a bunch of fools thats why. If your Christian, by all mean celebrate. But if your not, then think about it. I don't see anyone celebrating hanukkah and they say they don't because they're not Jewish, then why do we celebrate Christmas. Theres also no point to Christmas. There's no solid basis for it and it's full of things that are just horrible. On the surface it might be fine, but it's not.

I've asked people all over why they celebrate Christmas and I only seem to get these reasons. "Because it's a time to spend with family". I respond with BAH! if you have to wait until Christmas to see your family, your not a good family member. If I miss my grandma or I want to see her, I'll just go to Vancouver I wont wait until Christmas. What this does is actually force family to be together, which creates many problems. People don't know how to deal with extra family, so they create these akward situations, or just ignore them and go to a movie or something. When you go to see family, how much time do you actually spend with them. Like going and doing things with them, talking to them. Most people talk a bunch during the first little bit, but then continue their normal rutine, and if they traveled they get bored and sometimes depressed cause they can't do things they enjoy because they are force to be with their family. If you think Christmas is a time for family, why not New Years, or BC Day, or actual holidays.

Think, even Santa was fabricated by the COKE company. How many consumer whores agree that they would tell their kids about Santa? What kind of parent does that. Condoning Lying, asusming that an idea made up by COKE will really make Kids happy. It tends to make kids more and more selfish. I encourage you all, to never tell you kids about Santa unless you follow it with, This is made up but I'm sure the idea will make you happy. Cause think, which of the Following statements would make the kid happier.
"Hey Johnny, Santa (A complete stranger) just gave you a toy firetruck"
"Hey Johnny, I got you this toy firetruck cause I know you wanted it and I want to make sure you feel happy and loved"
I'm sure the Johnny would like the second statement better, and it would make a better relationship with the family.

Then there are the people who think "Christmas is a time for gift" and I respond with BAH! That is a load of garbage. It creates again a feel of obligation to get a gift for everyone. How many people feel obligated to buy gifts for your family? I bet thats most of you. I'm sure you all want to, but it's an obligation, if you don't, people will look down on you. Seriously, what is stopped you from giving your family gifts on March 31st? or on (Insert month day) (Insert Day here). If you want you family to feel loved do that instead. I'm sure they will feel much better cause your doing because you only WANT to. If I went into a store and found something that (Insert Name here) would like, I would get it for them and give it to them whenever I felt like it. When something nice is done for you (Like someone fronting for you if you are short or forgot your wallet/purse) something nice should be done back. It's Karma. Good deeds beget good deeds. This whole gift obsession just turns into a competition. Who can spend the most, who can give the best gift. Take a look at some Christmas movies for instance. Jingle all the way was all about the 'best' gift and it was such a negative movie. All in all, people think Christmas is about gifts because they WANT gifts for them selves. hmm, isn't that selfish. WOW I didnt think Christmas was about Selfishness. I guess it is.

Good gifts come from the heart or from all the thought (If you don't have a heart) and shouldn't be from a so called "holiday" Why is it a holiday even? Whats the tree stand for? Does anyone know, cause if you don't then your jsut assuming because someone has said that Christmas is good and tree makes Christmas. Would you do the same if your mom has always told you that it's okay to steal from large companies on the 25th of December cause you need the money more then them. I don't think so. This has become a lie that has got out of control. I've heard just as much say saying that "jesus" was born in July and they lost the records so they made it the 25 of Dec. How many people believe in god? if your don't then why are you celebrating the birthday of his FAKE son.

yeah, thats right I said Fake son. How many magical pregnancies happen? (Bet you answered 0) but a whole ton of them happen. They happen when Wives get pregnant and say they magically got pregnant because tehy don't want to tell their husband that they cheated, or if a young girl gets pregnant and doesn't want to feel like a "whore". Well back in "Jesus" times, "Whores" we not treated well, not at all. So it only makes sense that Mary said that a Spirit enpregnanted her because she didn't want to be treated as a "whore". And then the lie got out of control and then we have Christianity.

Take control of your thoughts. Find an ACTUAL reason why Christmas should be celebrated. If you can't, don't celebrate it. Do something that is actual meaningful to you and your family/friends. This is not a "season to be happy". Forcing people to be nice makes them even more sad later. Think about how many people hav to spend the next few months paying off all their Christmas debts, think about how many people make themselves feel bad because some clever man, pretended he was poor as scamed money of everyone. Just because it's the "Season of Giving".

To be happy, people need to do things for themselves, (Thats just how it is), they could be nice things, but it's still for themselves. Don't believe in something just because someone told you too, look in yourself and figure it out. What do you believe it. I don't believe in Christmas and I'm open to say it.

How many of you are with me? Or how many just want Christmas for Selfish reason? (not the only two options)

Note: Things may appear more angry then I wanted mainly because I had to write this three times and I got frustrated.


At December 17, 2006 11:24 PM, Blogger Akiyhrah said...

Personally, I think you're full of shit.
Christmas to me IS a time to see my family. I don't have the time or money to hop on a bus or fly to Calgary every time I miss them. I call and email my family members all the time and Christmas is one of the only breaks I get to actually come down and see them.
I could care less about getting presents, but I LOVE giving them. I don't care if I feel 'obligated' to give gifts. I like giving gifts. I like seeing the joy on people's faces when they get a present and realize that I care about them and appriciate them enough to think of somthing they might like, and that I spent the time to get them somthing.
Fuck the whole religion thing. who cares if the Christians might have it wrong? Who cares if 'everyone' celebrates the holidays? Why shouldn't someone celebrate a holiday that celebrates another religion? There is no rule against it.
And the only thing Coke invented was the commercial aspect of Santa. The idea has been around in many cultures for a long time before the big, red-suited, jolly guy came around. And what the HELL is wrong with letting your kids believe in a little bit of magic anyways?
I'm being selfish for enjoying a holiday? Fine. Believe what you want. But I'd rather be selfish than cynical.

At December 18, 2006 1:46 AM, Blogger Olives said...

I'd rather be Cynical personally.
School schedule are set up by the government which says Christmas must be a holiday. If school ended at a different time lets say like november you'd probably still go see your family. So you are NOT the people that I'm talking about.
It's good that you call and email your family all the time. Thats what it is supposed to be about and you show it.
Gifts also should never be an Obligation though. Or in the least there should never be an expectation.
Theres nothing wrong with Believing in other Religions, good on ya, but I think that credit should be given to the other religions holidays. Like why is Christmas and easter the only stat holidays in BC?

Your taking it to personal, I'm talking more general.

At December 18, 2006 3:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

christmas and easter arent the only stat holidays.. there are plenty of others.

ANYWAYS... I take offense to this post.. I too, like Kaitlyn, keep in touch with my family by msn and phone calls.. it's RARE for me to see my mom and dad now except at Xmas time... we are all too poor to visit... ferry rides.. too expensive for us... And my mom can;t take time off work coz she needs every penny.

Christmas gives families an excuse to splurge that extra bit of money to see eachother. I know for a fact that if i move to the other side of Canada that Xmas will probably be the ONLY time I will be able to see my family.

And like Kaitlyn, I agree that kids should know of Santa.. not all of Santa was made up by Coke.. just the north american IMAGE of him was. with the red suit and rosy cheeks.. other pere noels and father christmas' look different. I believed in Santa for a long time.. probably longer than most kids... and sometimes.. I like to still believe in him.. there is nothing wrong with believing in something!!

the religion doubting I can understand... But might i REMIND you it's not just christmas season right now.. it's also hannukah... they too give presents during the days of hannukah and have family get-togethers. what do you think about that?

And I like this time of the year.. because people feel nice, and charitable during this time of the season... they give to charity... food goes to struggling families and homeless people more during this season.. which is wonderful for them. I cannot tell you how many times, I was grateful on Christmas day because of a Christmas Hamper... that meant some good food was coming.. I was DIRT POOR... but we NEVER cared when it was christmas time... because Christmas is about being close to your family to me...
It's about celebrating family.

If you want to look at it in the way where you can celebrate family any time of the year... then you can celebrate your birthday anytime of the year too... you could celebrate st patty's day anytime of the year. ... jeeze..

im sorry olives.. at first i was reading calmly... but when getting further into your post, i was feeling irked..

.. heh...

At December 18, 2006 12:12 PM, Blogger Olives said...

And Hanukkah is fine to me right now cause no one makes a big deal about it. The commercialism of Christmas is irking me. And I understand that I'm probably making people upset with the post. But this is my opinion and I needed to get it out. Everyone around me is all like "Oh it's Christmas you have to give and to this and that" And I'm pissed off with it.

So I needed to get it out, so I wrote it down. It did come out a lot angrier then I wanted it too but thats because I had to write it a couple time cause my computer died.

Would you have not felt better if a food hamper came many times rather then just Christmas?
And I don't really even Celebrate my birthday. I acknowledge it and then it's no longer a big deal.
But a birthday is made from the day you were born. I don't even know why we celebrate St. Paddy's day so I don't really.

I don't want to celebrate something just because tradition tell me too and I have no other reason. I want to know WHY and it that why is meaningful enough to me then I'll celebrate it too.

At December 18, 2006 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

makes sense.


At December 18, 2006 12:56 PM, Blogger -Charlie- said...

Hanukkah and other religious holidays are not statutory holidays. I am with Kyle on this one. North America caters to the Christian year, and does not give a shit about any other religion's practices and traditions. For all that we say that we have religious tolerance here, there are people, especially in America, who cannot practice their religion to its fullest because of restrictions placed on them by modern society. If you want to celebrate a holiday of another religion, why do you not give presents out for 8 days instead, or perhaps refrain from eating or drinking between dawn and sunset for a month?
Hmmm...think that one over.

At December 18, 2006 6:10 PM, Blogger Akiyhrah said...

It may not be a stat holiday, but no company or business with a brain in their head would stop someone from taking off a religous holiday. Pretty sure you can sue for that.
St. Patricks day is a celebration of St. Patrick, who was a *obveous* saint in Ireland. I suppose it's really more of an Irish holiday-turned global, so I understand why you wouldn't celebrate it. But it's not just some fabricated holiday that was invented to have an excuse to drink, if that's what you're thinking.
And frankly, it's a stupid reason to boycot a holiday because it has been commercialized. If Hanukkah, Kwanza, or Yule became commercialized, would you boycot those too? And NOBODY says you have to give presents or donations. Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate anything about the holiday, and nobody looks at them twice. I never give to the food banks or anything because I can't afford it, and nobody comes knocking at my door telling me I'm a bad person.
I think the biggest reason people give around the holidays is because its usually cold and miserable out side, and giving clothes and blankets helps people stay warm. Or some people can't afford presents for their children, so toy donations give children somthing to open Christmas day so they can still believe in the magic of santa.
I'm not saying you should celebrate Christmas, but stop ruining it for other people.

And Geoff, if North America was soooo intolerant of other religions, then why are they trying to enforce the stupid "Happy Holidays" thing? Did you know that businesses are being sued for puttng up nativity scenes and playing non-holiday friendly carols? I was in the Hallmark store a while ago for at least 15 minutes and the whole time I as in there I didn't hear one carol that had anything to do with the birth of Christ. I like those songs. I don't care that they have Christian meaning. And what restrictions? No, not EVERY SINGLE religious holiday is a stat-holiday, but people are being encouraged to explore other religions. Books on Paganism are on full display in the middle of Chapters, where as 10 years ago someone probably would have been shunned for even looking for somthing like that. If anything, society is trying TOO hard to have religious equality by making stupid rules like saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas".

At December 18, 2006 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kaitlyn has a point... on the news they were talking about how malls and courthouses are not setting up Xmas Trees or banning Xmas trees in some areas.

At December 18, 2006 6:40 PM, Blogger Olives said...

I'm glad places are banning Christmas to be more equal to other religions.
It is not stupid to boycott a holiday because of commercalism. AND yes if other holidays were as bad as 'Christmas' I'd boycott them too. But it also helps that my family celebrates Christmas so it's thrown in my face a bunch.

My comment about St. Patrick's day was that I just didn't know what it was about. So until I did, I won't celebrate it. Thanks for giving me the story, that makes sense.

Employers CAN and DO stop people from taking off certain holidays. Not all of them do but you can't Sue over it. For hanukkah, nothing closes, so people still have to work. Even if they do celebrate it.

I'm not stopping you from Celebrating Christmas. This is my opinion and I'm voicing it. People should know WHY they are celebrating something not just because they are told.

And in North America is cold and Miserable but in other countries it's quite warm and happy, and they give as much as people here, so that can't be the main reason.

At December 18, 2006 7:30 PM, Blogger Akiyhrah said...

Oh my god, I FUCKING HATE IT when people boycot somthing because it is popular. It's so CHILDISH!!!
I know exactly why I celebrate Christmas and I garuntee you the majority of people out there do to. Yes, there are people who only come home at xmas because they are obligated to, but everyone I know is genuinely grateful to get the chance to go spend two weeks away from bills and school and work and just have the chance to visit with everyone.
Yes, sometimes people buy gifts at xmas because the feel they have to, but I buy gifts for people at Christmas to show them tha tI love them and appriciate them. I can't afford to give people presents whenever I feel someone desereves it. As much as I'd love to, I have bills to pay and I have to eat. So spending a little extra on someone I care about once or twice a year seems pretty fucking justifiable to me.
And you totally ignored the second part of my comment about charities. I ALSO said:
"Or some people can't afford presents for their children, so toy donations give children somthing to open Christmas day so they can still believe in the magic of santa."
That happens ALL OVER the world.
If you hate Christmas so much and don't want to celebrate it, then fine. But you have no right to say people only enjoy it because they are told to and they are selfish because of it. You are such a tiny, insignificant person in this world. How the HELL do you expect to know how everyone thinks? You can't generalize somthing you have no actual fact about. You can't generalize people into your opinion. It's exactly like how people say video games and loud music makes teenagers shoot down their classmates. THOUSANDS of teens do those things and if that were the fact, we'd have mass shootings everyday!

At December 19, 2006 1:39 PM, Blogger Olives said...

and I really Hate it when people only believe in something because everyone else it doing it.
And the only reason why you have that time off is because of Christmas.
If the time off was given any other time would you be as grateful?
The time off thats given in December/January is because they just assume everyone wants to celebrate Christmas. So in a way that is pushing people to celebrate it more.
It is fully justifiable to buy presents for someone once or twice a year to show them that you care. My point is that the gifts should be given when they are not expecting it. For example, my sister who believes in Christmas I might add, gets gifts on the 25th. She says "I feel much better if I get the gifts when I'm not in the mood to get gifts." She tends to lose track of WHO got her the gift and says simple it was a Christmas present. Sure she's happy for a bit becauase of it, but most of the time she doesn't even remember who gave it to her.
Her Birthday though, she can always remember who got her what. And gifts should be memorable enough for that.

Giving gifts too doesn't always involve money. It could just be something as simple as lending someone an umbrella when it's raining, it's just a very nice gesture.

When Charities give stuff to Chrildren who are not in the best of situations. It IS a really good thing. I agree that Children should get gifts and things to make them feel special. But as I said before what makes a kid feel better. Getting a gift some Santa, or getting a gift from someone that loves you? And why does the donations happen only seem to be noticable at Christmas. Did anyone ask whether these kids believe in Christmas? or is it kind of being forced upon them?

Your right, I don't know what EVERYONE thinks. But I can make generalizations from all the times I've asked people why they celebrate Christmas. And I may be Tiny and Insignificant, and people always say that a single person can not do anything. But that is not stopping me from voicing my opinion.

I have ALL right to generalize other peoples thoughts into my opinion. It's not like I've just made stuff up. I get into discussions about this ALL the time for the past couple years. I talk to people at my work, friends, sometimes Random Strangers if I've got enough some. But generally not too Big of a discussion with the strangers, but I still get information.

I get about half the people now who agree with my point, and the other half that completely disregard it cause "I'm full of shit" Thats quite a bit of people if I don't have any merit to this.

I fully believe that most people, if they were not raised with this idea of Christmas then they would be much less inclined to celebrate it. Which does add merit to me saying that it is forced upon.

"People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it" - Persuit of Happyness

At December 19, 2006 2:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i think if you dont like it, its perfectly fine to not celebrate it or ' hate it' even, but if the spirit of christmas is in other people, and they do things that yeah, they probably should be doing all year, but actually set aside time around december to do it, then you shouldnt put them down for it.

At December 19, 2006 2:43 PM, Blogger Akiyhrah said...

Yes, actually. I would appriciate any time off I got to see my family, thank you very much.
And NO, you DON'T have the right to generalize people. Just because you ask them why they celebrate Christmas doesn't mean you know their thoughts and feelings. You think that if people say its because they get to spend time with family and friends then they are selfish for enjoying it, or that they feel obligated to do so. Do you know FOR A FACT that every person who has said that to you only says they like the togetherness of Christmas is really only saying it to sound Christmasy or whatever? It is impossible to generalize everyone's opinion as a whole. Just cuz you've talked to friends and co-workers doesn't mean you have NEARLY enough statistics to make a solid judgement. And frankly, most statistics are bullshit anyway. I learned THAT much from Sociology.
And yea, if people weren't raised with Christmas, they probably wouldn't celebrate it. That's just how it works. But that doesn't add merit to anything. I know LOTS of people who weren't raised with Christmas. My step-dad's whole family is Jehova's Witnesses, and they don't give a shit about Christmas. It isn't FORCED upon anyone. I've never seen someone knock down the door of someone who doesn't celebrate it and throw up a Christmas tree. You don't see Universities denying people an education because they don't celebrate Christmas. The only thing I've ever found to be forced about Christmas is the whole religion aspect, with the Christmas plays and wahtnot, but even now that is starting to lighten up with the whole religious tolernace thing.

At December 20, 2006 7:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey kyle, it was good to see you at the CHRISTMAS party! :P

At December 20, 2006 10:34 PM, Blogger Akiyhrah said...


ahem.. sorry.

At December 21, 2006 1:07 AM, Blogger Olives said...

lol, This is a kind of debate that got out of hand. HAHA. Some of it seems soo angry from both sides. Wow, I didn't realize it.
Summery of the points I wanted to make:
1. Christmas is kind of forced upon. being forced doesn't involve some guy breaking down your door cause your don't celebrate. But for most children, it is not a choice they make. And because everything seems to revolve around Christmas Holidays so it's harder to celebrate something else if it was a different time of year.

2. (I didn't know Santa was actually made after someone) but I don't believe kids should be spoon fed loving gifts. I believe they should just get the gifts from family/friends so they know that someone close to them holds them dear.

3. The commercialization of Christmas has got out of control. Malls are hectic, everywhere is filled with Propaganda so make your Christmas "Perfect". And I think that is totally shit. If you do Celebrate Christmas is should be because you have reasons not because someone else has told you to.

4. And Finally the "Spirit of the season" that people only seem to associate with Christmas should be spread throughout the year. There should always be times to give/recieve, it shouldn't have to always be about one day.

I got way into my Rant and it was more just angry yelling cause I tend to do that when I don't express myself enough.

If you celebrate Christmas, Cool. But I just think that people should have a choice, even from when they are kids, rather then it be expected of them. And Christmas should be treated equally with all the other religious holidays rather then treated as the superiour in Canada.

I still think that the stereotypical person who celebrates Christmas is Selfish, but thats my opinion.

Wow, I feel be much better though since I've been debating. So much anger let out. WOO!

At December 21, 2006 11:57 AM, Blogger Akiyhrah said...

And on that note, let's just agree to disagree, cuz I'm sick of arguing.. hahaha

At December 29, 2006 1:14 PM, Blogger Courteney said... NEED to go read this:


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