From the Pit of an Olive

The newly found Journals of a crazy. Not the kind of crazy that has under gone a mind over matter conversion, but the kind thats just crazy.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Keneph Sol'ka

The tavern is filled with noise. For such a dark atmosphere, every seems so cheerful. Must be the mugs of ale they have in their small little clutches. They all take for granted what they have. None of them even have respect for what it took to build this town. Sometimes it just sickens me.
The first thoughts of Keneph Sol'ka. Since he arrived only a few short days ago, attracted by the lure of adventures. Life needed more excitment and now he finds himself sitting in a dank bar, watching all the people he loathed drink themselves into a stupor. His roommate sitting only a few seats down from him was already trying to get the last few drops of his 'precious' ale from the bottem of his mug. Only really roommates by force, his only real companion was Graamros. Sure he was annoying at times, and sometimes he chews on my leg. But don't all real friends. Well I guess it's okay since he's a wolf. The cityfolk just give him some stares and call Graamros nothing more then a dog; Keneph just wants to let Graamros have at them, but that wouldn't be right. But as long as he keeps him under control, no one will do anything against his good friend.

Why is everyone at this.. place so similiar. They all look like some sort of loggers. pfft, cutting down trees, what good does that do. Well sure they could get their houses built, thats fine, but where are they drawing the line. Really there is no line to be draw, they just keep on cutting until nothings left. his hand running along the blade of his sickle, making sure that it stays conceiled so no body gives him trouble. He was never the strongest of men, but man, if someone tried to punch him, I bet he could manage to avoid it. And of course he could take his poison of choice, in this bar, and keep it down without worry, but that wasn't what he wants to do.

The door to the tavern slowly opens. Weird, most people just walk in, but why is this guy trying to sneak in. A small figure dressed in all black come in. That character must be very short, surely he mustn't be from around here. The hat that he's wearing covers his entire face, there is nothing to see but blackness. Looking around, it looks like a couple other people have notice this character, but most are not paying any heed to him. Not even his other roommate. He is just a do-gooder wanting to do whatever people ask of him. Walks around like he's some sort of divine beeing, or at least sent to do their work. Worshiping a god is fine and even devoting your life to one... Well he's not all that bad. Mostly just bad with his words, surely he won't be making life much of a hassle.

Well, it looks like some other folk have taken a dislike to this figure, but strange, didn't hear him say a single word. one of the logger type people, reaches over with unreal speed and knocks off the dark fella's hat. "I thought so!" he says as he slams his arms down on the table.
"Get out of my bar you runt! Your not welcome in my bar"
"Who says this is your bar?" Keneph interjects in a stone tone
"You know this fella?" The bulky guy responds, his fists clenching.
"I know him as much as you." Well now the guy didn't know how to act, he was about to throw Keneph out if he was in league with this shady guy. "Doesn't matter anyways, he's not welcome in my bar"
"Again, what makes this bar yours?" There is no expression on Keneph's face.
"I work here and I work hard.." Before the man could finish Keneph interrupts
"And your the only one that works here?"
"I...uh...." again with the interruptions
"Sit Down!"
The man not know what to do when someone has bested him so well in a verbal fight, just sits down, with a glare.
The shady figure reaches down and picks his hat back up. It looks like this fella might be some sort of goblinoid but a little unsure.
"Have a drink" Keneph offers
"Thank you, my name is Durdan, can I trust you?"
"Did I not just stop someone from harassing you, I think you can trust me"
Durdan looks like he's very uncomfortable, moving arround in his seat. No wait a second he's tying a pouchto Keneph's leg. He looks up "Don't tell anyone, and open it once I'm gone, I'll meet you back here in the morrow and we'll discuss it"
He downs his drink and leave the bar. Keneph returns to where his roommates are. As much as he wouldn't choose them himself, they do look reliable so he'll let them know. But for now "Hey guys, I'm gonna retire early, i'll see you in the morn'." With that Keneph turns out the door and to his room where he can open that pouch.



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