From the Pit of an Olive

The newly found Journals of a crazy. Not the kind of crazy that has under gone a mind over matter conversion, but the kind thats just crazy.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Birthday Well Done

Now it is the end of my birthday adventure. It was quite good. Although I had to get up at 8 which is a suck. Everything went grands. First I went to Victoria with my family. I havn't done anything with my entire family in a long long time so it was very nice. Started off in Victoria with Ice Cream, now how can you go wrong with Icecream! After that we just parked downtown and just started wondering. Found a couple cool shops, and the one that really got my attention, was a bookstore. But all they sold was fiction novels and bongs/pipes. It was weird. Half the store was all glass bongs and pipes, and the rest was just books. I just found that weird. I also found trading cards for a show called "firefly" and if any of you havn't heard of it, it was a series on TV that got cancelled cause Fox is lame. But it is awesome! Watch them.
so continueing on, In a gift shop there, I found the "nunchuck" which most of you are thinking two sticks that are attached by a chain. oh no. This wonderful piece of equipment is like a gun. except instead of firing projectiles from the barrel, it shot from a catapult like thing built on the top. AND it came with toy nuns that it would shoot "up to 15 feet". I thought it was halarious. Found it among the bobblehead freud and Shakespeare dolls. Much fun.
So my parents bought lunch, which we ate on one of my favorite chinese resturants in Victoria. that was grand. At the water front too there was this Mime guy. And he was good. He wasn't doing the silly normal mime act, it was like it was a machine, a coin operated machine, and he played music whenever people put money in his jar. But he had signs all over the place saying no pictures without donation, and it was quite funny went people would try and take a picture. He'd point at them, and play evil music, quite good.
Upon arriving back in Nan, plans were contructed and then I went off to Rose's house. she made me a beautiful card of a Dragon hoarding treasure. And for those of you who don't know I have a thing for dragons. And she got me a finger puppet of a monkey (Awesome), an car air freshener (Always useful), and a pendant for my necklace. And it's awesome, it's pretty much what I wanted my tattoo to be of. (Which is my parents present to me, so I'll be tattooing it up very soon). Then after giving me an awesome massage, Lauren came and picked me up to take me to dinner. And I was very disapointed. Not in the fact that I was going to dinner with lauren, Nina, Kelsey, and Kim. but for the fact that my first drink I order as a legal person, I don't even get IDed. they took me around to some of the bars and clubs downtown since I've never been. ran into Jordan which was cool. hung out with him for a bit, watched some strippers with him and the girls. It's kinda funny, it's not even sexual or anything watching them, it's just entertainment. Oh it was quite a fun night. Thanks to all those who wished me a happy birthday, and a curse to all those who didn't..... well since I'm being since. All those who don't wish me a belated birthday shall be cursed.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

New Car

I just bought me a new car. Makes the current one that I have look like a pile of junk, mainly because the one I have is a pile of junk, but it still runs. I spent all yesterday going around to all the car dealerships to take a look a the cars they had available. So after about 6 hours of looking around and test driving cars I couldn't find one that I liked more then the Ford Focus I drove on sunday. So I decided I was going to try and get that one. Of course I had to get my dad to come along cause he is god when it comes to bartering.
So we get there take it out again for a drive, and then we sat down to discuss the price. The time is now about 5 pm. So we do the normal bartering thing, we give him an offer that it much lower then he wants to go. Right now the car is 9888 + taxes and such. So we offer him 8300. And of course he says no, and he comes back with an offer of 9400. So it was back an forth a bit, and by myself I managed to convince him to lower it even more to 8999 but then he wouldn't move. As the saleman was talking that over with his management my dad tells me that I don't want the car anymore and to play along with whatever he's doing. Salesman comes back and gives us that 8999 offer. Now here is why my dad it crazy, he created this big story about how I was looking at another car, and it was much better, but I couldn't drive standard. So he kept saying that he'll teach me how, and that we'll take time to think this offer over when compared to the other car. So now the salesman thinks he's lost the sale, so he's like "I can't bring it down anymore, but I'll go photocopy this for you then if you change your mind you can come and take this offer" so he leave. And my dad just has this smug look on his face. And just as we were about to leave he comes back with our original offer and says that they've accepted it. So Now I realized I just bought a car. this is a car thats only 3 years old, and has less then 50000 km on it. It was rediculous. It's like a brand new car pretty much. Unfortunetly I can't pick up the car until my birthday, cause thats when I get the financing and everything. So until then I'm still driving my old one. But man am I excited. There's a great birthday present to myself there.
I've also decided what I want my tattoo to be of, so my mom is going to get me that for my birthday. This year is turning out to be one of the better years.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


It is now one fortnight until my birthday. Thats my favorite measurement of time. And it's much easier then saying two weeks.
Currently I'm am pondering what, if anything, I should be doing for my 19th. Club's arn't really my scene so I'm going to stay away from them. I'll figure it all out later. Though Now I officially have no car to drive. Xtreme Joe decided that he wanted to get a better car so now I still have it in my drive way yet no more insurance. And I don't plan on getting insurance until I get a newer car. I found a nice Ford Taurus that I'm wanting to buy, but the dealership hasn't got back to me yet on a small problem I wanted them to fix and they said it was no problem.
I think this will be good for me, the whole no car thing. Now I'll actually have to bike places which means exercise. Considered lately I havn't been doing much of that at all. I just sit in my room and either play Heroes of Might and Magic V, talk to people on MSN, or read. Plus I seem to be always eating junk latly, so now I need to clense myself for a couple more days. I just don't think it's too healthy.

Also a note to anyone who works at the Galaxy: (Which is only really Jordan and Alana) The company doesn't seem to like the fact that Tianna gets 8 hours regardless each day she works, so there might be some firing soon. but SHH, you didn't hear it from me.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Promotion in the making

So I've notice that at work they are hiring a new shift manager, it's not like a super high up place, but it's still management. So I've applied and the only two people I can think of that deserve it besides myself arn't even applying for it. So I think there is a good chance that I will get it. So at 19 years old I will be a manager of the Galaxy Cinemas (hopefully). Not looking forword if I have to turn them down if they try to pay me less then it's worth. How much do you think that a manager of a theater should make? I'm think around 12.5, but I don't want to be low balling myself. I'm going to push for all that I can.
In angering news, at 12 am today, Kelsey (My boss) tells me that Jenna had left and I'm not responsible for doing all her duties. I was so angered. Not only did I have to close Concession, and Booth, but I had to close thursday Floor as well. So that means I had to do all the posters, change the marquee to show all the new times and the new movie that we got. Angorb!

I'm also selling my car now too. so far I think Xtreme Joe will be buying it from me but he'll check it out on Saturday. I figured out that I'm able to take up to 6000 dollar loan from the bank at 6% interest that I can pay back within two years. So I'm looking for a much better car then what I have. Found A couple good ones but nothing that I'm going to be buying on the spot yet. My dad's giving me a hand and I'm learning how to barter hardcore. I talked to a saleman the other day and I got him to drop the price from 5999 to 3400. So I think I did quite well. too bad I didn't buy that car, but I still might, who knows.

Going to see Pirates tomorrow, even though I'm not a huge fan of that movie like certain people, I'm going to see it regardless. Maybe even get a watch afterwards. Time to get a watch.